Sunday, March 30, 2008


I'm eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, washing it down with tea.

The sun is just peeking over the horizon, I can see the glow on the buildings to the north. A clear and cold night, there's a beautiful half moon hanging in the sky out the back door.

It's race morning. An hour's drive to Hamilton awaits me next. Race starts at 9:30. Parking will become an affair of it's own so it's best to arrive at least an hour early and hang out in Copp's until the time comes. I'll take along the bare essentials in terms of ID, my driver's license and insurance card, a CC and whatever cash I'll need for parking.

The challenges this morning are purging (getting to the bathroom enough times) and fueling (getting to the cupboard enough times). Most of my fueling takes place over the last few days. This morning is just a top up to prevent my body from extracting the goodies that are stored, it contributes nothing to the race itself.

We dodge the rain bullet, which is much appreciated. Sun and a few clouds, light winds and right about the freezing mark. I'll likely wear two tee's (one s/s, one l/s) and my light jacket, regular running hat. I'll take the toque and dry clothes to change into once I'm done. If I'm lucky I'll find the crew from kick and ch there, but it won't be easy amongst 8000 people.

Sandwich is gone. One more potty stop and I'm out. My bib number this year is 1950. 10 more and I would have had my birth year.

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