Friday, May 07, 2010

7 days 70 miles

It's May 7. My log shows 70.9 for the month so far. It's been a quiet week and I've been able to haul my butt out of bed at the 6:30 alarm and get out for (most of) an hour each morning. Then my standard 5 easy at lunchtime. Didn't do a hill workout since I wanted to be getting out twice a day and kept the priority on that. The consistency makes a difference and you can feel it after even one week.

It's not hard to do but it sure can be freaking boring at times. It's all time and not really miles, an hour here, and hour and some there, 30 minutes here. The miles are just scenery passing by and cracks in the sidewalks moving under your feet. After a while you feel like all you're doing is running all the time. I can't imagine what the guys pumping out 130, 140...200 feel like. I can see myself doing a couple of hours a day, I don't think that's really all that extreme or excessive. If I capped noons to 45 minutes, I could see 1:15 in the mornings and that would all be doable. The trick is to keep the effort down so you're not needing a good 24 or more hours recovery. Fine for a while, I could make a May of it.

Inevitably everything else spills over that time so I'm not in bed on time, not able to get out at noon or for long enough, things get cut short, yada yada yada. Basic rule is, run when you can cuz later might not work out. We'll see how the month goes.

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