Wednesday, April 02, 2008

*Yawn* 2

The bed seemed awfully nice this morning. The alarm clock was an evil demon. Trying hard to stick to my routine, which should be easier to do with warmer mornings upon us. If you can call -3 warmer. At least the winds died down overnight, as they were howling at 80 kliks yesterday. I got in a 5 mile light tempo run yesterday morning in tropical 8C conditions before the winds started.

This morning was a followup of some early season speedwork, running park laps alternating hard and easy. Pace wasn't outstanding, about 6:47/mile for the hard laps average, which is about 10k pace for me (or was, maybe I should say). Having run a 30k on Sunday and tempo yesterday might have had something to do with it, or maybe it made it easier...who knows?

I know if I stay disciplined to my schedule I can regain my fitness. It's far too easy to stay up too late on those midweek nights, especially when I'm pitching in on homework help and tidying up after the day. We tend to eat late and it cuts into the evening.

On the plus side, the snowbank on the lawn is down to only 4 feet tall!

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