Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Nice while it lasted

Yesterday it was nice and calm outside. No wind, not enough to even flutter of the flags. Today, we get it back, out of the east, brisk even though it's fairly mild out.

This is one of the adventures of spring running, having to figure out how to dress. The wind makes you cold when it hits you and hot when you run with it. At least in the summer it's consistent...hot. Maybe termed better as 'warm', 'hot' and 'stifling hot'. Still shades of the same colour and it doesn't change how you dress because you're as close to nude as you can get away with in public.

The wind is an element I abhore. Maybe not so much in the summer, it's quite a relief to have a good cross wind when it's a hot day and you need that cooling effect. Usually though, you're either into it or with it, either battling you're way through it or sweating up a storm when it's at your back and at the same speed as you. That little microclimate builds up around your skin and all that heat you're producing follows you along, blown along with the breeze. I figure if I stopped or changed direction, this cluster of sticky sweaty boiling air moves along and wraps itself around some poor sap walking along the sidewalk just ahead.

I want it calm all year around, I'm good with that. I create my own cooling 10k per hour breeze shuffling along on my bread and butter training runs. When I run harder the air accomodates by moving faster over my skin, a self-adjusting form of air conditioning. I haven't figured out how to keep it there during jogs between intervals or adjust it on a hard hill climb.

Anyway, a couple of days into a hopeful 60-70 mile week. Tomorrow might be a bit tricky with an early start at work for a remote dial-in and some Microsoft technical rep visiting that we're supposed to meet at somepoint during the day, hopefully not at noon as that's my second run. I'll figure out a way to get them both in, methinks I'll be doing an after-hours run at try to maintain my 10 mile a day diet.

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