Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Still not doing it

I'm still not getting out there to do the things I need to do to improve. Stuff happens, I lost 2 days last week and this morning I had to transport daughter to soccer practice, which occurred smack in the middle of what would have been my hill workout. Opted to just do it near the office at noon, except that a lunchtime meeting kicked in and cut that out. I did get out for a couple of miles but no time for the workout. Now it's late and I won't get back in time to get it in before din din. Arguably I could be doing that instead of typing.

Laziness, life, all that stuff. My theory has always been run when you can, because later might not be so accomodating. Things will settle down a bit but I need to make adjustments to fit in the work I need to do.

The plan was always pretty simple and effective. Monday easy (used to be rest, last summer it was 4-5 AM recovery, 4-5 PM recovery), Tuesday light tempo (or easy) AM (double up with 4-5 easy in PM when available), Wednesday either hills or intervals AM (double up again with 4-5 easy when available), Thursday 8-10 easy AM (and blah blah double up), sometimes I tripled on Thursday with an available hour during soccer practice with youngest daughter. Friday easy (AM / PM when available), Saturday moderate to hard tempo depending on how I feel, and Sunday long.

It works, as long as I stick to it. I need to discipline myself to get to bed on time and not be farting around at night, get out the door no-matter-what in the mornings, and make that time for doubling up when I could. It doesn't help that I spend too long at work, partly guilt driven for spending too long at noon, which leaves little evening time and I'm up late making up for it. Then stuff happens in the mornings that cut in, my Wednesday run is now interfered with due to taxiing my daughter in early. I'll have to move the hills/intervals to Tuesday, relegate Wednesday to easy junk miles and tighten focus on the Saturday tempo run.

I read an interview with Deena Kastor not long ago where she talks of thinking and living like a runner if you want to be one. I don't need to revolve my life around it for sure but I do reflect back on that article and take some of it with me. So getting to bed on time, organizing my day better so I can double up, and staying disciplined in getting those key workouts in.

Last year at this time I was working on a 200+ mile month. Weather's been a bit tough this year too, we've had heavy cold rain over the last week, snow and sub freezing temps with high winds (the one element I really hate running in is wind) and makes it tougher to get out.

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